Data Protection Support & Consulting Services

Data Protection Support

Support and Consulting Services

Pembroke Privacy is an award-winning Data Protection, Privacy & AI Governance consultancy with offices in Dublin and London.

We provide a full range of data protection and AI compliance services including External DPODPO Support and Interim DPOAI Governance, Privacy Program Management, EU RepresentationTraining and Advisory services. We also support organisations managing specific projects, and providing advisory services e.g. Data Breach ReportingData Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and AI Risk Assessment projects, Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) projects and International Data Transfer projects.

Pembroke Privacy offers an invaluable data protection support resource for your Data Protection Officer (DPO) or your internal go-to data protection expert. We provide a full suite of data protection services to support your organisation’s data protection strategy, including building a privacy framework, data protection impact assessments, breach management support, advice on managing data subject rights and guidance on compliant direct marketing approaches.

Data Protection Impact Assessment

Reduce risk and demonstrate compliance. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organisations to carry out a risk assessment (DPIA) in certain circumstances. Usually, a DPIA should be carried out before your organisation begins processing data in a new way.

Data Breach Management

Most organisations will experience a data security breach at some stage. How you respond to the breach and how quickly you act to resolve it is critical in order to avoid the serious consequences that may follow including fines, litigation and reputational damage.

Data Subject Access Request Management

The GDPR has enhanced previously existing rights of data subjects and created some entirely new rights. Our data protection experts can help you understand your new and increased obligations to individuals whose personal data you are processing.

AI and Data Protection

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act is the world’s first comprehensive regulation of AI and organisations will need to understand the legislation and be able to implement their obligations under the AI Act in a practical and compliant manner.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing and data protection de-mystified. If you, like the majority of companies, rely on direct marketing to promote your products and services, you will be concerned about how data protection law impacts on your ability to continue your marketing activities in compliance with data protection law.

DPF Self-Certification

Transferring personal data from the EU to the US falls within the rules on restricted transfers under the GDPR. The EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) can be used by exporters to transfer data to registered organisations in the US.

Data Transfer Compliance Programme

Data transfers from the EU to third countries or international organisations must be carried out in compliance with the GDPR. Organisations wishing to transfer personal data to jurisdictions outside the EEA must use an appropriate transfer mechanism to transfer the data lawfully.

Data Protection Compliance Gap Assessment

We will review the data management practices in your organisation and provide you with a documented Report which will identify any compliance gaps or areas for improvement

Third Party Audit Programme

Your organisation must be able to demonstrate compliance with statutory obligations to the Data Protection Commission. We will highlight any high risk data processing which requires urgent action so that you can meet your Article 28 GDPR obligations.

External DPO Services

The GDPR makes it mandatory for certain organisations to appoint a DPO. Even for organisations where there is no mandatory obligation to appoint a DPO, it may be useful to appoint a DPO or designated data protection manager on a voluntary basis.

DPO Support Services

Pembroke Privacy has a wealth of experience in providing DPO Support Services in both the public and private sectors and across a variety of industries including, financial-tech, global-tech and healthcare to name but a few.

EU Rep Services

Recital 80 and Article 27 of the GDPR requires that, where an organisation which is not established in the EU offers goods and services to individuals in the EU or monitors their behaviour, the organisation should designate an EU Rep, subject to certain exceptions.

IAPP Online Training

SAVE 20% with our GDPR Ready Live Online Training Bundle!

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